I got my first diary when I was 9. It was a small, red leather covered book with a golden lock and matching key. A treasured friend for a young girl's secret crushes, thoughts and feelings, it occupied a special place in the top dresser drawer, underneath my training bra and underwear.
That diary was the first of many. Although the lock and key style faded in popularity, the need to process life on the page continued. Fancy journals, basic comp books, spiral notebooks, colorful hard bound blank books, even lined notepads, gather dust in several boxes in the garage and attest to a life written as well as lived.
While I continue to journal by hand almost daily, I wanted a written outlet for making connections between the personal and the universal. In a sense, this blog is a hybrid of the diarist-journalist form: personal and reflective in tone, but also analytical and investigative. It's a forum for reflection, but also opinion and analysis on broad topics related to current life interests and experience.
Occasionally, a poll or links to other sources may appear if a post is newsworthy or relies on research. Feel free to share your own experience, knowledge, or opinion. And if you like what you read here, share this link with others who may be interested in the content.
Have a good time...